In a small rural village, in an unknown time, after a bleeding, a survivor awakes remembering nothing of what has happened. A nice lady will take care of him in her house, hoping he recovers. A strange relation will grow between the forlorn old lady and the man with no past, while the myth of young Tantalus flies over the village.

Après la peine (Anh Minh Troung, 2012)

A new mourning (Après la peine) is a perfect example of how a half-length film is time enough to tell a great story. The photography, by Vincent Biron and Luc St. Pierre, full of symbols and artistic influences, has a splendid technique and delicacy; together with Samuel Laflamme’s music, they transform the film into a small masterpiece. It also counts with the mature performing of Monique Miller and Jacques Godin, two celebrated Canadian actors.

This film is a philosophical story that moves the audience towards a necessary pondering to think deeply about the established moral assumptions, to decide where the limits of justice are and decide who is the victim is and who the executioner.

Minh Truong has directed close to sixteen short films and half-length films, twenty-five advertisements and music videos and has received more than thirty awards for his work (Cannes Short Film Corner, Worldfest Houston, Vidéaste recherché, etc.). It took him four years to finish the ambitious half-length film A new mourning that has already received the Best Photography and Best Soundtrack Awards at film festivals in Canada.

A new mourning will be part of the Official Section of the 6th Edition of the International Half-Length Film Festival La Cabina.


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