Dolça (Noémie Schmidt) is 18 years old. Sam (Julian Perquis) is 10. They both met in the summer camp where Dolça worked and became good friends so now Dolça takes care of Sam while his mother, recently divorced, is working. Their mutual understanding grows and Dolça accompanies Sam to spend his holidays with his dad, Víctor (Erik Stouvenaker), who lives in the south of France. Dolça and Víctor like each other at first sight and their affair complicates the relationship between the babysitter and Sam, who will have to find his own place in this bizarre love triangle.

After having studied Literature, Laure Bourdon-Zarader completed her studies at the Sorbona Film School and finalized a Fine Arts Master in Berlin. She started working as an Assistant Director in several short-films. Her first audiovisual project was the documentary Miedosos (2012). She currently works in several film and TV projects, and is preparing two future short-films: La vie sauvage y Ma pomme, both produced by Quartet Productions.

Dolça, by Laure Bourdon, is part of the Official Section of the 9th Edition of the International Medium-length Film Festival La Cabina that will take place from the 3rd to the 13th of November at the Filmoteca of Valencia.